The Shield Quinta serie - spoiler

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view post Posted on 4/12/2005, 22:36

Qui ci possiamo sfogare con tutti gli spoiler della quinta serie che in America iniziera' il 10 gennaio. Io ho scoperto che Glenn Close non fara' parte del cast per problemi personali, ed entreranno a far parte dello show Forest Whitaker che apparirà nella serie in qualità di regolare, parteciperà quindi a tutti gli episodi della nuova stagione. L'attore vestirà i panni di un agente della divisione degli Affari Interni della Polizia di Los Angeles. E non c'è da stupirsi se i membri della Squadra d'assalto finiranno nel mirino di questo nuovo personaggio.
Un'altra new entry è Laura Harring che interpreterà il ruolo di Becca Doyle, un avvocato che darà del filo da torcere a Vic Mackey e ai suoi uomini.

Ma il nuovo capitano chi sara'?
view post Posted on 12/12/2005, 18:31

Ecco un bel po' di anticipazioni sulla trama della quinta serie, sono prese dal sito spoilerfix, quindi sono in inglese, appena ho un attimo ve le traduco, ma se qualcuno vuole darmi una mano faccia pure!!! tongue.gif tongue.gif tongue.gif

11/02 - Episode 5.01: An IAD officer is investigating Mackey and the strike team, and is having a talk with Aceveda about it. The murder of officer Crowley from the pilot is a factor too. Of course Mackey is on to the IAD cop fast, and they have a nice Vic-style discussion about it.
11/07 - Episode 5.02 - The Enemy of Good: Vic and the Strike Team pay a visit to a man who's shaking down local business owners for protection. Julian has a new partner, and one of their arrests doesn't go well. Dutch and Claudette have a case concerning a minister who treats alcohol abuse with aversion therapy.
11/14 - Episode 5.03 - Jailbait: The Striketeam have a case where a few people who were being smuggled suffocated in the back of a truck. One other victim was drugged with rohypnol, but is still alive. Claudette is ignoring Dutch, who makes a new friend. Kavanaugh is still snooping around the team, focusing on Lem as the weak one.
11/21 - Episode 5.04 - Tapa Boca: Dutch and Claudette grill a man for cutting out a baby from a woman's stomach. Julien and Tina bring in a guy Vic was searching for. Shane gives Danny (who's pregnant) baby-advice. Vic is still making sure no trails are left of their previous dealings.
11/28 - Episode 5.05 - Trophy: Vic drops of Cassidy at Corrine's hospital, but then a woman on drugs slams her head into a car window. A doctor there enlists Vic's help in catching bad medicine suppliers. Kavanaugh secretly approached Corrine about Vic. Dutch and Claudette continue to argue over just about everything. David and Kavanaugh close in on the Strike Team.
12/11 - Episode 5.06 - Rap Payback
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